Ugh. Why does summer always seem to FLY by? These cooler temps lately make me feel like the summer is officially wrapping up, and my heart is breaking a little inside. But man, have we sure have had the best summer. Ever. I had 2 full months off before I started back at work, and even now with 2 days a week off, I have had plenty of time to squeeze in some fun. Having a 2 year old is pretty awesome too. I love having a little sidekick to experience life with!
Here's a little highlight reel of our summer so far.
Diva in the pool. She loves to go "swimming like a mermaid". She has become very independent swimming in her puddle jumper. I love it! |
Backyard playin' at friends. |
Strawberry Picking. Well more like strawberry eating. |
Flying solo with Mom down to Texas to visit the fam! She was an angel on the way there and back. |
The best week ever with our family down in Texas! |
Vacations back to back. From Texas to northern Michigan in a few days. And Macy's first time at the beach, which she loved loved loved. |
We became Zoo and Children's museum members. |
Macy and I have a date at the park near our house at least once a week, if not more. It is about a mile away so its the perfect walking/running distance. Even if we go for 5 minutes, we both leave with happy hearts. |
Visiting family ad first boat ride as a big girl. Let's just say boats + 2 year old = a stressful time for mom. |
Learning how to be a good friend. The older she gets, the stronger her bonds gets with her little friends. She asks to see them by name every day. She is learning how to share, respect, and love her peers. |
Drum roll please... THE #1 highlight of the summer.... Her sleep regression has passed! It was an ugly 7ish weeks of waking up early in the morning, not wanting to nap, not wanting to go to bed, you name it. Through lots and lots of prayer, bribing, and luck, we have safely made it through alive. Macy gladly goes to bed each night with a book of her choice and is back to her normal sleeping hours. Praise the LORD. I meditated and prayed through Romans 5:3-5 over and over, which is the only thing that got me through. Hope does not disappoint. Can I get an Amen??