Saturday, November 26, 2011

The End of the First Trimester & The baby bump!

As I wrap up week 13 I can honestly say pregnancy so far has been a great experience. Weeks 6-7 came with some nausea, but I never got sick and could usually treat it with crackers or seven up. My energy level has been good and most of all I have felt like myself! Especially the last month or so. They say that the second trimester is the easist, and since the first was pretty dang easy, I say BRING IT ON!

Our family finally knows!!! Kyle and I made the trek to Dallas for Thanksgiving to tell the last of my family about our great news. We have had so much fun telling everyone else and we couldn't WAIT to finally tell the last of them! We made a picture collage and snuck a picture of the ultrasound in at the bottom. It took my dad, stepmom, little brother and sister some time and some confused looks to finally understand what we were trying to tell them. Once they figured it out there were lots of tears and excitement!

The frame:

One of the most exciting parts of pregnancy up to this point is that I'm starting get a little belly! Most of the time you can't tell that I am pregnant, but depending on what I wear, you can tell there is a little baby there! It is so fun and makes it feel so real. I can't wait to continue to grow (I am sure I'll be regretting saying that in about 5 months!)

My belly at 13.5 weeks:

Friday, November 4, 2011

Meeting Baby R!! and the New Moms Study

We finally got to meet our precious baby!

A friend of mine who is pregnant told me about a study at IU Hospital called "The New Moms Study". Basically they want to track women who are pregnant with their first child and what it means for me is: free ultra sounds, money, a car seat, and diaper bag! I jumped on the opportunity to get involved and scheduled my first ultrasound -yay!

The moment the ultrasound tech placed the probe on my belly I saw Baby R instantly, even though I wasn't sure what I was looking for. Even though I had a positive pregnancy test and my body sure felt pregnant, you never know whats going on down there south of your belly button. Doubts crept in the days leading up to the ultrasound, like what if I miscarried, what if the test was falsely positive? So when I saw that little alien in my belly I was overcome with emotions. It was the first time it felt really REAL. Tears filled my eyes and when the tech flipped a switch and we listened to the HEARTBEAT the tears were free flowing. The baby was in there and alive and well! It was such a special moment Kyle and I got to share together.

The first shot of Baby R:

If you look really close you can see the (huge) head, and little nubs for arms and legs. Precious!