Thursday, December 3, 2015

Hello baby BOY

I have been meaning to sit down and write an update about my latest appointment, but life seems to be so busy right now. Hello holidays. I had a busy day planned with a to-do list a mile long, but as life will have it, my poor sweet Macy woke us up at 5 am this morning with an ugly stomach virus rearing it's ugly head. Right now she is asleep and resting quietly, but I learned not to move too far away from her. She likes to know I am right here, right where I should  be.
Towel on couch, a must. Poor poor sweet babe.
That brings me to this! Updating about my 20 week appointment. First off. Hello baby BOY. What the what?? Even though my suspicions were high since day one, it still came as a shock to hear (and see) it confirmed. The appointment also came with a a lot of good news. He is measuring right on track and is in the 52nd percentile all around. He was an active little thing. I am feeling so much movement each day which is hands down my favorite (and quite possibly only thing I like) about pregnancy. The fibroid has grown but not as much as the times before. We are up to a whopping 12.2 cm. It sits on the right side of my uterus while the baby is nestled in the left. My OB felt pretty confident that the baby should be grow with out any issues for the next little bit - praise Jesus!

Big sister!
As far as I have been feeling, more up than downs lately. It seems like it really took until about 17 or so weeks to get my energy back. I have also been having horrible back pain but have been seeing a new chiropractor who specializes in treating pregnant women and it has been a godsend! I am still trying to get used to how fast I have grown physically but I have been able to get back in to somewhat of a work out routine with the return of energy and control of my back pain.

20 week bump
There has been zero nesting at this point. None. It is so different this time around. I think by now with Macy we already had furniture ordered and wall colors picked out. I kind of have the attitude "as long as I have diapers and a sleeper he will be fine for the first few months". Because lets be honest, its the truth. Being that it is a boy, and we kept ZERO baby items besides clothes (ha), we are basically starting from square one again. I did buy a little loot from Carter's on black friday to get started. It can only go up from here!