Because I am due on Memorial Day, I asked my doctor about getting induced early. I have a couple close friends who have gotten induced and had great experiences. I love the idea of having some "control" of the situation and knowing "today I am going in to the hospital to have my baby". My doctor told me she wouldn't induce earlier than 39 weeks and only if my cervix is ready. I respect that decision, and just hope I am "ready" by my 39 week appointment. I'd love little Miss Macy Jane to be out before the holiday weekend and be able to visit with family and friends that will be in town. I will obviously do whatever is best for her, and if she is not ready by then -then we will just have to wait! I will not push the issue but I am definitely all for induction! I am also a weird one that would totally be fine with a C-section too. (which is a risk for induction). As I nurse I am very familiar with what a C-section entails, the recovery time, etc.. and none of that scares me. I am not an OB nurse, so of course there is a lot I don't know, but I know enough that a C-section sometimes seems more appealing than a vaginal birth! There are SO many things that can go wrong with a vaginal birth, and the unknown scares the crap out of me. I like to have control over things (a DUH for those who know me well), and there is no sense of control during a vaginal birth. What if the baby's heart rate drops? the umbilical cord gets wrapped around her neck? she doesn't fit right? she rips the crap out of me? breaks my tail bone? --I could go on. At the end of the day what matters the most to me is that she comes out healthy and mommy and baby get to meet for the first time! So pumped for that!
I learned today at my appointment that MJ is right where she is supposed be. Head down, pressing against my cervix. I am starting to thin out, but am not dilated yet. Right on track, according to my doctor. I start going every week now, which is fun :) Thank goodness I only work 3 days a week, I don't know how people who work 5 days a week could fit in all of these appointments!
Speaking of work.. new this week: I actually had to get a doctor's note that said I am only allowed to work 40 hours per week. Crazy right? Full time for nurses is three 12 hour shifts per week. At my job we are required to do that PLUS take call at night and on weekends. Because so many people have left recently the amount of call has increased tremendously -meaning that this almost 9 month pregnant woman would have to work full time plus an additional 20ish hours of call every week. YUCK! So I called my doctor and she said, um no you should not do that, and I totally agreed :) Thank goodness.. I don't know how I would have done that! I will work my full time schedule up until sweet baby girl decides to make her appearance though. Working 3 days a week... awesome... working 12+ hour shifts... sucks. My back hurts, my legs are swollen and I usually want to cry by the end of the day. But hey, like I said, it's only 3 days a week!
In other news...this weekend we had our maternity pics taken and I can't wait to see how they turned out! I wasn't sure if we would get them done, but we got such a great deal (it was kind of included in the newborn pics) that I thought -why the heck not! Not something we will do again, but I think it will be nice to have a professional pic to remember this time of our lives. I am already picturing a collage of engagement pics, wedding pics, and maternity pics =) Here is a sneak peek of one of the pics:
Seeing this picture really makes me wonder... what will she look like?! Dark or light hair? I can't wait to find out!