Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Week 39- Slow and Steady

Monday marked the beginning of Week 39 and the excitement/anticipation/anxiousness has really set in!
(Not going to lie, there isn't a picture I like of myself- I feel HUMONGOUS!!)

As I had posted before, I was kind of hoping to get induced by now, but as my body has revealed, baby girl is not quite ready! I showed zero progress between weeks 37 and 38 (including a cry session at the doctor's office) and knew then that the induction at week 39 was not going to happen. I was disappointed -mainly because I am just so ready to meet her! I think all moms-to-be can relate to that feeling this close to the end. Everything is ready, my body aches, I am not sleeping... and I just want her out!

Today's appointment went better though, as I did make a little more progress. My doctor was able to strip my membranes (sounds gross, I know) which can help stimulate the cervix to open up more -and in some cases, actually start labor. I am not expecting that to happen with me (going in to labor) but I am hoping that things start progressing a little more quickly. If nothing happens I go back on Tuesday (they are closed for Memorial Day) to get checked and schedule the induction. At that point I will be 40+ weeks and I am sure will be begging her to do it ASAP!

I am still working, staying busy and even spent Monday doing yard work! Not that there is much to do, living in a townhouse downtown- but I did manage to spend a couple hours pulling weeds, laying mulch, and planting the front porch planters.

Race weekend is one of the best weekends in Indy, one that I have enjoyed (maybe too much) for many years. So if Macy decides not to come, that is ok too, because I will be around all of our friends celebrating the weekend and doing my best to stay out of this heat! Either way I will either be spent inside in the a/c or in the hospital with a baby...But I am really hoping for the latter!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

37 Weeks... Full Term Baby!

Talk about a milestone... As of Monday, this baby is full term, and can officially make her appearance any day now. Wow!
As the official countdown has begun, Kyle and I have been busy nesting away. We have pretty much finished the nursery (for now at least), cleaned and scrubbed the house, washed her sheets and onesies, and even went "hospital bag shopping". Besides having the car seat loaded and the bag packed and sitting by the front door, we are ready for this baby!

I had my weekly checkup today and it looks like I am making good progress. I am dilated to 1cm and am 50-60% effaced. According to my doctor, that is pretty good for a first time momma at 37 weeks. I'll take it :)

I have definitely had to slow down though, the closer I get to the end. I make myself take breaks during the day, and try to prop my feet up as often as possible. By the end of the day my feet are pretty swollen and I can only wear my wedding ring for a couple of hours at a time. Other than the normal hip pain, restless sleeping, and the swelling.. I actually feel GREAT! I really do! I have been blessed with a pretty easy going pregnancy, that for which I am grateful for!

As Kyle and I thought about what we wanted to put up in the nursery, the idea of a bible verse kept coming up. But what verse? A generic verse? A verse about babies? What we decided was to find a verse that we wanted her to live by, our "charge to Macy". As we were laying in bed one night reading our bibles, searching for the perfect words for her, Kyle said "I think I've found it". After he read it to me I knew it was perfect. And what was even more perfect was the fact that her daddy picked it out. The verse is on the wall above our chair. It says,
"6 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”
 -Deuteronomy 31:6
As parents I know our job will be to keep her healthy and safe, but the most important job we have is to make sure she knows Jesus and has a heart for God.

Other updates in the nursery include a new bookshelf. I looked for weeks for one and ended up settling on this one from Target:
Once we put her gifts and books in it, it looks like this:
We also put up some pretty pink curtians:
One day while cruising around the shops in our neighborhood we came across these picture letters that were taken around the city, and we new we wanted to add a little "Indy flair" to her room.
The shelf was made by my grandfather in the 80s and Kyle just painted it white so it would match everything else. It is fun adding personal touches to her room!
And now every time I walk by...
...I can't help but think that it is my favorite room in the whole house!