Monday, April 4, 2016

I see the light!

I see the light! As in, this baby is going to be here SOON. Knowing this has really changed my perspective on everything. Even though I am still just as huge and uncomfortable, everything seems to be less miserable because I know the end is near. I am 38 wks 4 days now. I had an ultrasound last week and once again, the baby looked great and the fibroid hasn't changed. He is estimated at 7 lbs 15 oz already (Lord, help me). But I know this can be off as much as a pound, so I am holding on to that truth. It has been SUCH  a blessing to make it this far with out that stupid thing (the fibroid, not the baby) causing any issues. Praise you Jesus! There was so much unknown and so much my OB had to prepare me for, all the what-ifs that never occurred, and I am so happy to have a healthy 38.5 week old baby! Obviously there is still a HUGE mountain to come with delivery, but I am so happy this pregnancy has gone as well as it has. ( I can say this only hindsight, right?)

So what is 38 weeks looking like? I feel like I am getting some energy back which is nice. I am so huge and starting to retain a lot water, as told by my huge swollen feet at the end of the days. Guys, cankles are sexy. Only a select few of my maternity clothes are still comfortable. The rest have already been put up and said goodbye to forever. Our bags are packed and ready to go! I keep adding stuff to baby boy's bag, its kind of getting out of control. It doesn't look like the visitor restriction is going to be lifted due to an increase in flu admissions, so I feel like I want to be prepared with things to do, like a few photo shoots, haha.  Every shower I take I make sure to shave my legs because I can't help but feel like it may be my last. I make sure to pick up the house really well before bed each night, just in case. Maybe it is just hopeful wishing to do this every night, but I am glad to have that energy back to be doing it! 

Here are a few pics of life lately:

The sweetest 3.75 year old you ever saw! Fun photo shoot outside with my new camera

My foot at the end of the work day. Try not to gag.
Girl's lunch followed by a mani/pedi
Spent HOURS with Cassy cooking one day filling up my freezer
Sweet little celebration at a work meeting last week

My LOVES on Easter! Can't wait for that baby to be in my arms, not my belly!

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