Friday, March 9, 2012

28 weeks later...

28 Weeks later... and I find myself in my third trimester already. It is all starting to feel so real. The baby has some patterns of movement I can recognize, and Kyle and I talk about her a lot more now, like she is already here. I have learned a few things about my future daughter -like how she loves sweets as much as her mommy! Every time I eat chocolate or have some ice cream, I can feel her quickly after doing a little dance there. She also likes to make her most prominent appearance every night before bed. As soon as I lay down I can feel whole body parts sticking out. It is fun though, because Kyle and I lay there feeling around, guessing what it may be that we are feeling. A head, a butt -who knows!

I had my 28 week appointment on Wednesday and everything checked out great. I passed my glucose test (which was yucky!), baby's HR was nice and strong, and I gained just the right amount of weight -wahoo!

I am also now realizing what it meant when I read "the second trimester is the easiest". I had someone say recently... "How do you make being pregnant look so easy?" -And I thought.. because it is easy! And then I swear, as soon as the third trimester officially started I felt different. I have weird pains all through my torso, mostly my back and ribs. I can't bend over forward anymore. And after working 12 hour shifts my ankles are starting to swell :-/ Sleep for the most part is still OK though. Every day I think... how much bigger am I going to get? And what will THAT feel like?! But every day that passes is just one day closer to meeting our sweet baby girl!

28 Week Picture:
Our crib came in and Kyle surprised me by putting it together one night before I got home from work. It is absolutely PERFECT for the room. I can't wait to put her bedding in there. I walk by her room sometimes and can't believe there will actually be a baby in there before we know it!

I am absolutely ECSTATIC that my first baby shower is coming up. I have family coming in from Texas, Utah, Illinois, North Carolina, Tennessee and Alabama! I feel so blessed that we have such a strong support system from our family, even if we are so spread apart. Our baby girl is going to have an abundance of aunties, uncles, and great-aunts/uncles/cousins to love on her!

Having out of town guests has also motivated us to get some house projects down that we need to do. So in between nesting and preparing for the baby we have been super busy doing other things around the house. Most notably, our kitchen floors. For some reason, the people who lived in our house before us decided the "diner" look was a good one. Not for us. We have been talking about changing the floors since we moved in and FINALLY go to them!

The finished product:

We also got a new dining room table which is another thing I have been wanting forever. It is so hard hosting with only a 4 top table. We finally have a 6 top and one that fits in perfectly with our place!

New Dining table:

With all of these changes going on between our house and my body/baby, sometimes I have to just stop and take it all in. God has been pouring his blessings on us and I try to remember that everything we have comes directly from Him. I literally get the doxology stuck in my head sometimes and can't stop singing.. "Praise God, from whom all blessings flow!"

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