On Friday night we went up to Valparaiso, IN to visit college friends and attend a Christmas party. It was so fun seeing everyone and getting to dress a little silly. Definitely got me in the Christmas spirit!
The hubster's awesome outfit:
We spent Saturday traveling back and had a late lunch with our pastor and his family. It was so nice, and they fed us well! We feel so blessed to be part of such a strong community through our church, they really are family to us! Then that night we had dinner with my brother and his girlfriend, ate even MORE food, exchanged gifts, and played games. I felt very content and glad to be in Indy enjoying Christmas with them. And Baby R got her first Christmas gift from her Uncle TJ!
Cant' wait to find a matching bow!
Christmas morning Kyle and I slept in and opened stockings from each other. We even stuffed stockings for Peyton and Kami, which they loved of course! The plan for the day was to get up and make a big breakfast, but pregnancy brain eluded.. and I forgot to go to the store to even get anything to make! We went to FIVE different stores, all closed (which is a good thing) before we threw in the towel and got breakfast at Hardee's. A memory I know we will share forever!
The next night I got to see a couple girlfriends who were in town and we eat pizza and played games. The night was great, but way too short!
Jessie (in from Kansas City, Cass, and Katie (in from California)
Overall it was a sweet holiday, even though I wasn't looking that forward to it. I did feel the "Christmas Spirit" and definitely thought a lot about why we celebrate the season at all. It isn't for the gifts, and contrary to what most people believe, it is not just a time to get together with family either. It is a time to thank God for sending his Son, making a divine creature in to a human, to save our sinful souls. No matter what Kyle and I do or do not have in life, we have the saving grace of Jesus Christ and a marriage built with God at the center... now THAT makes for a Merry Christmas!!
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